Lose weight After pregnancy with Lose It Nigerian Diet

I have received loads of questions recently about losing weight with LIN after having a baby, and I thought it’s a great time to shed some more lights on how lose it Nigerian can be used for postpartum weightloss.

So, how do you do it?

First off, congratulations on your bundle of joy!!!! It’s never too early to start thinking about losing weight after you have a baby. The most successful thing you can do is to have a strategy.

Hundred of women have transformed their postpartum bodies on the lose it Nigerian program including myself, here is a proven formula that works

Week 1- 12

This is a critical time as you are most likely not sleeping well, milk supply is still being established and you are getting to know you baby. In this 12 weeks you get to simply eat LIN using the Lose Postpartum Plan.

So what does eating LIN mean exactly. You get to enjoy any of the abundant recipes on your LIN plan, and eat until you are full.

No calorie counting, no macro counting, no portioning. The only rule is that you follow the plan as laid out. This Postpartum plan includes nursing mom specific recipes to ensure your milk supply stays up during this time. This ensures your body gets optimum nutrition while you lose weight.

If you are not exclusively nursing, you can use the LIN in 3 plan instead for these 12 weeks.

What to expect: you can expect to drop your first 10+ kg in these 12 weeks.

Week 13-15

In these 3 weeks, strictly follow the Tummy Trimmer Plan. This plan contains 21 days of meal plan and should be followed as laid out. Because you are breastfeeding, you can add a bowl of pap, a bowl of oat or oatmeal smoothie to you daily routine. Remember only one option per day.

Drink loads of water. Continue to nurse your baby as required, your milk supply should not be affected in any way

Week 16-24

If you are not at your goal yet or get the LIN Guide of even more recipes.

Follow the 4 weeks meal plan that comes with the purchase of the LIN Guide.

  • LIN Refresh – 4 Week plan with recipes from the LIN Guide and ingredient list &

Follow the plan religiously and include physical activities like walking, skipping, swimming, dancing etc. There are also loads of free videos on YouTube.

That’s all mama! If you follow my 6 months plan as laid out above, your postpartum body will be set.

The LIN plan contains all the plans, recipes, support etc you need.

Have questions? feel free to ask below.