Cheap Source of Protein in Nigeria

Prices listed below are as of April 18, 2023

Food is a large part of Nigerian culture. In fact, it forms the basis for our rich sense of identity and belonging. The typical Nigerian diet is based on starchy foods like cassava, yam, rice, and plantain. People usually serve starchy foods alongside rich soups and stews with protein foods and vegetables.

There is a lot of buzz in the media about the importance of protein. Protein has many roles in the body, such as building muscle, transporting nutrients, catalyzing reactions, and maintaining the immune system. It is an integral part of the human cell structure. Additionally, protein is critical for repairing tissues and in growth and development during pregnancy and childhood.

Protein can be sourced from plant or animal foods such as meat, fish, beans, nuts, soy, eggs, and milk. However, it can sometimes be a challenge to meet your protein needs due to the cost of food, especially with the rise of inflation.

When you are planning your meals, you may be wondering how to increase your protein intake while keeping your groceries within budget. Therefore, the objective of this article is to provide a list of cost-effective protein foods in Nigeria.

Protein foods

Sources of Protein in Nigeria


One of many Nigerians’ favourite mushrooms is the oyster mushroom. They are an inexpensive source of protein that may be found in markets, retail establishments, and online marketplaces like Jiji. In 10o grams of oyster mushrooms, there are 3 grams of protein.

Fresh oyster mushrooms range in price from ₦1,500 to ₦3,000 per kilogram.


Eggs contain essential vitamins and minerals, such as choline, vitamin B12, selenium, and iodine. One large egg contains about 6 grams of protein. People in the market sell a crate of 30 eggs for ₦2,100.

brown eggs


In Northern Nigeria, it is common for people to grow and eat soybeans. Soybeans are nutritious and contain all the essential amino acids, which is uncommon for plant-based proteins. There are about 36 grams of protein in 100 grams of raw soybeans. In the market, you can buy a kilogram of raw soya beans for about ₦300 to ₦350.

basket of soybeans

Melon Seeds (Egusi)

Egusi is high in protein and antioxidants. It is inexpensive and widely available throughout the year. In 100 grams of egusi, there are about 28 grams of protein. You can buy 1 kilogram of raw ground egusi for about ₦1,500 to ₦2,000.

egusi-melon-protein in nigeria

Beske (Wara Soya)

Beske is essentially fried tofu. It can be made from curdling soymilk in a similar fashion to the way wara is made from dairy milk. Beske is high in protein and is relatively cheap to make. Wara soya contains about 8 grams of protein per 100 grams.

beske-protein sources in Nigeria

Nono (Kefir)

This is a type of fermented dairy that is most common in the northern part of Nigeria. It is fermented milk made from cow or goat milk. Nono is a good source of protein and calcium. In 1 cup of Nono, there are about 9 grams of protein.



Groundnuts are a popular source of protein in Nigeria. They are delicious and contain many nutrients, including protein and fibre. In 100 grams of groundnuts, there are about 26 grams of protein.

groundnut- protein in nigeria

Akara/Beans/Moi Moi

In Nigeria, beans are a common food source that provides protein, fibre, iron, and zinc. Black-eyed peas have about 24 grams of protein per 100 grams dry.

Nigerians consume beans in a variety of ways, including ewa agoyin, moi moi, and akara. Akara, also known as bean cake, has about 82 calories and 1.6 grams of protein per 100 grams. In contrast, 140 grams of moi moi has about 12 grams of protein and 239 calories. However, the calories and protein will depend on how they are made. They are both affordable, with a wrap of moi moi and five akara balls each costing about 100 Naira.


Locust Beans (Iru or Ogiri)

Locust beans are a good source of protein and antioxidants. They are found in many Nigerian soups and stews since they have a distinct flavour and aroma. In 100 grams of locust beans, there are about 28 grams of protein. You can buy 1 kilogram of iru for 1,000 to 1,500 Naira.

iru-protein sources in Nigeria


Millet is a popular source of protein in Nigeria. People usually have millet as a drink called Fura da Nono or in ogi (akamu). In 100 grams of dry millet, there are about 11 grams of protein.

millet in brown bowl


Protein plays many important roles in the body, so it is important to eat enough protein every day.

However, it can be difficult to get enough protein, especially on a budget. If you are looking to eat more protein while keeping your grocery costs low, consider the foods on this list.

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