Calories in Nigerian Meat Pie

This one is for my snack lovers. I often get asked how many calories there are in a Nigerian Meat Pie. Here we go. I am using meat pie recipe from Nigerian Meat Pie Recipe from 9jafoodie: The Dough of meat pie Ingredients 4 1/2 cups all-purpose flour 1 Table Spoon Baking powder [...]

Calories in Nigerian Fried Rice

Fried rice is a dish of cooked rice that has been stir-fried in a frying pan. It is mixed with vegetables such as carrots, peas, green beans, onions, and meat like chicken, beef or pork. It is one of the most often consumed foods in Nigeria is fried rice. It is occasionally had as [...]

Simple Healthy Nigerian Salad

On a reel on Instagram, I asked our followers to guess the number of calories in our favorite simple healthy Nigerian salad. Watch the reel below and make a guess! On the Instagram reel, I received many wrong answers. Let's review our favorite simple salad Recipe. Ingredients for a simple healthy Nigerian Salad: [...]

By |September 21st, 2022|recipe|0 Comments

Lentil Moi Moi Recipe

Have you tried making moi moi with lentils? I can tell you that the taste is very similar to beans. The texture is a little different though. Below is a break down of calories and nutrition for lentil compared to beans. Here is what you you need to make your Moi Moi with Lentil. [...]

By |December 15th, 2021|recipe|2 Comments

Calories in Garri and Amala

Are you often curious, "How many calories are in Garri and Amala?" If yes, you're in the right place! These popular Nigerian swallows often accompany mouth-watering soups, and understanding their calorie content can be a game-changer, especially if you're on a weight loss journey. The Role of Swallows in Nigerian Cuisine In Nigerian cuisine, [...]

