You may have heard that drinking smoothies will help you on your weight loss journey, but what you may not have heard is that your smoothies might be making you fat. “How?!”, you say? Well, let’s break it down.

1. Making predominantly fruits based smoothies:

How does 450 calories aka 2 cups of rice sound for your weight loss journey? Yes, that’s the potential calories & carb equivalent. Think 2 servings of fruits + 2 servings of veg for a healthy, waistline friendly mix. If you don’t like seeing the green in veggie smoothies, beets are a good option to add.

2. Smoothies, Side or meal replacement?

If you are considering weight loss, a healthy smoothie of less than 300 calories should be a meal replacement. Yes! That’s a whole breakfast (+ 1 boiled egg for better satiety). A smoothie should not be considered a SIDE to a meal! Unless it’s 100% leafy vegetable based.

3. Using whole milk, juice, yoghurt etc. as your base in the smoothies:

Low calorie, sweetener free nut milk or water should be used as smoothie base. Unless you want an extra > 150+ calorie. Oh, don’t even get me started on using coconut milk as base. That’s 552 calories in just one cup.

4. Sweeteners:

If you don’t like the taste of your veggie smoothie, adding sugar or some peanut butter to it is counter-productive as you are adding un-necessary calories. Use some frozen bananas in your smoothie instead to keep the calories lower which would be a great idea for your weight loss journey.

Do you want some ideas about making a healthy low calorie green smoothie? Check out the video below:

Here is a video recipe of a perfectly healthy smoothie for your enjoyment.

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