LIN Blaster Cleanse

Out of stock

Feeling more sluggish than usual? Often lethargic?

Feel like there is a lot of waste in your belly?

Has the scale has been stuck for a while?

Just need to lose a few pounds to jumpstart your journey?

Our 7 day blaster cleanse program is what you need right now!


This is a whole foods based program that helps to cleanse and refresh.

This is definitely note a smoothie or fruit only cleanse. We will be eating real food!


Select Your Group Below to register.

Please note, we will not be able to move participant between groups.

Select Support Option Below:

This product is currently out of stock and unavailable.


Where Can I do this plan:

You can purchase the plan and complete it wherever you are in the world. From Nigeria to Paris, the ingredients are easily accessible.


Who is the plan for:

Anyone looking to Lose weight, get back into healthy habits, lose overall fat without starving.



One challenge purchase allows for one group addition. Please register for your preferred date. We will not move people from group to group.


Meal plan type:

Customized to individual stat provided


Can I do this challenge on my own?

Absolutely, the challenge is self sufficient and contains everything you need.



Registration for this program is per The LIN Terms and Condition.

Additional information

Start Date

Nov 14, Nov 21, Nov 28

Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews
Amazing Program!

I have been an avid LIN follower, but always a hearer and never a complete doer, until this challenge! I noticed the difference not just in weight but in how I felt. I was 98% compliant, lost 7 pounds, my skin was glowing and I finally proved to myself that I can discipline my body. So excited to start the new year with this program again. It has given me easy, delicious recipes to use over and over again, and I’ve remained consistent in my workouts and reducing how much I eat daily. LIN WORKS WHEN YOU WORK IT! Thank you so much to Ronke and this amazing team, keep up the good work!

Good & Effective Program

This was a nourishing and effective plan, and the meals were good. I enjoyed the support group as well. My only issue was that the snack allowance didn't allow for any snacks that I enjoyed - carrots, grapes, apples, bananas, etc. I recognize that there must have been a reason that "sweeter" snacks were not permitted, but as someone that loves to snack, this part was really challenging. Perhaps there could be a way to incorporate more enjoyable snacks in the future.

Adetola Adejo
Good Cleanse Program

It is my most preferred cleanse program of the LIN cleanse programs so far. I like the smoothies. They are true to their names. I also like that there are options for the lunch and supper meals

Debbie I

LIN Blaster Cleanse

Ummu L
Amazing Plan


